Joy Martina di profilo

Partecipazione solo in presenza in sala

Riccione, May 4th-7th 2023


Seats are assigned
in order of registration


Joy e Roy Martina di profilo
Roy Martina di profilo

This special offer is valid only until May, 2nd


Enroll now
to have the beat seat available!

Seats are assigned in order of registration


This special offer is valid only until May, 2nd

Enroll now to have the beat seat available!

Solo entro oggi, mercoledì 29 marzo hai l’offerta speciale anche in due rate. I posti sono assegnati in ordine di iscrizione, prima ti iscrivi migliore sarà il tuo posto in sala!

This fun filled 4-day Course with Joy and Roy!

4 giorni con Joy e Roy

Find your purpose in life with the new teachings
of Joy and Roy Martina!

How it works

Where and when?

In Riccione On May 4-7, 2023, at the Palazzo Del Turismo, Piazzale Ceccarini, close to the sea. See the area >


The course will take place in the heart of Riccione, next to the well-known Viale Ceccarini. You will be able to find a wide range of hotels through booking >
May is a good month to spend some time at the beach, enjoying it with your family and friends.

Course Hours:

We begin on Thursday May, 4 at 6.00 p.m. and will end on The following Sunday, May 7, at 1.00 p.m.. Check out the program details here >

Replay of the course:

This is included in the ticket ! All attendees of the workshop will also receive the complete recording, video and audio, of the whole course, included in the ticket. The Replay audio will be in Italian and in English and will be forever at your disposal! Live streaming is not provided. You can only join the new workshop on site.

L’offerta speciale:

è valida solo entro il 29 marzo 2023, anche nella formula in due rate. Poi aumenterà e sarà solo in un’unica soluzione. Scopri l’offerta speciale >

Posti assegnati:

I posti sono assegnati in ordine di iscrizione.
Iscriviti subito così ricevi il miglior posto disponibile in sala!
Se vuoi c’è anche la possibilità di acquistare il biglietto nelle prime tre file con queste formule:
> Biglietto in prima fila: Clicca qui >
> Biglietto in seconda e terza fila: Clicca qui >


The workshop is carried out in English with simultaneous translation into Italian. The cost of translation is included in the ticket. You will be provided with headphones and translation equipment. You can bring and use your headphones if you wish. You will be able to follow the workshop in English or with simultaneous translation into Italian.


For any further detail, see these FAQs, call +39 0541 341 038 or send an email to


You will receive the prestigious personalized printed certificate with your full name.


Enroll now

The seats are assigned in order of registration.

Enroll now to have the best seat available!


€ 540

(instead of € 690)



€ 640

€ 540 + € 100


Last seats available


€ 740

€ 540 + € 200


Sold out

Enroll now to have the beat seat available!

The seats are assigned in order of registration. You will receive your seat number in your confirmation email.

Reserve your seat today!

Acquista il corso in un’unica soluzione per avere il maggior risparmio
Oppure scegli la formula in due rate da € 260 ciascuna

La seconda rata verrà addebitata dopo 30 giorni dall’acquisto

Dal 30 marzo l’importo aumenterà e non sarà più disponibile l’offerta in due rate

Get extraordinary Bonus!

The workshop ticket includes:

Entrance to the Conference hall with your name

Simultaneous translation into Italian

Complete replay and registration,

both video and audio, of the whole course in Italian and in English. This Replay will be forever yours and with unlimited access. Every participant will receive it, no more than 30 days after finishing the course.

Printed certificate

personalised with your first and last name.

Your purchase is safe and secure!

You can buy in complete safety

Scudo dorato a garanzia dell'acquisto

If you won’t be able to attend the course, please let us know about it within seven days of the event: You could get somebody to cover for you, or you can use your credit for any future course by My Life in the next twelve months.

For more information

(Mon-Thu 10:00 am - 6:00 pm | Fri 10:00 am - 2:00 pm)

The Course Centre

Riccione, vista dal porto

Palazzo del Turismo
[Palace of Tourism]


Piazzale Ceccarini, 11, 47838 Riccione RN Website >

How to reach the Conference Centre

The Palace of Tourism is located in Piazzale Ceccarini 11, in the heart of Riccione, next to the sea and to the well-known viale Ceccarini, The Rail station of Riccione is only at 7 minutes' walk. Bologna Airport is 1.45 minutes by bus. See for more information about How to reach Riccione >


There are a large variety of places to stay close to the Palace of Tourism. Find the offer that best fits your needs and book your stay in time through Booking >

Course Hours

Thursday May, 4 2023

From 5.00 p.m. Registration
From 6.00 p.m. to 21.00 p.m. Course

Friday May, 5 2023

From 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Course
From 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Course

Saturday May, 6 2023

From 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Course
From 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Course

Sunday May, 7 2023

From 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Course

An Experiential Workshop!

You can finally meet Joy and Roy in person in Italy!

You’ll be able to share an amazing, unique experience with them and you’ll learn all the latest discoveries to awaken your own potential, improve your wellness and manifest your heart desires!

This amazing-4 Day Experience is designed to help you align yourself with your inner infinite power to create everything that your heart really desires. Joy and Roy have created a unique Experience that will have a powerful and effective impact.

What do you need?

Start from the inside out for the Great Spiritual Reset

If you have selected more than two of the above options, this experience will revolutionize your way of living and your life will never be the same.

In this recent period we have all witnessed a Great Reset and a new way of living. Joy and Roy are looking forward to share with you all what they have learned to help you tackle challenges, align your heart and mind to create more health, joy, success and abundance in your life.

7 ways to Create your New Life

1. Exploring the power of valuable resources and new practices to embrace different emotions, anxieties, negative thinking. Each major challenge could bring out suffering that needs to be integrated before you can release it.

2. Feeling a harmonious connection with your essence to obtain aligned insights about your happiness.

3. Connecting with your higher future self, while staying grounded and motivated.

4. Being aware of your needs and speaking your opinions honestly in a healthy way.

5. Creating an ideal environment developing better conditions for you and your loved ones.

6. Connecting to the divine inspiration to find an answer when you feel confused and can’t see a way out.

7. Training your mind to be calm to receive the right answers from your higher self.

Are you ready?

You can learn these ways by implementing them again and again. What Joy and Roy learned in three years, you’ll understand and manage in a 4-day-course, as these new resources are powerful and effective to fit into your life, and are amplified by the energy of the group.


This Experience will offer you a body-mind training to reset your stress response and download a new programme into your subconscious, which will become the compass of your new lifestyle.


Stress response is the way our ego is programmed to automatically react to the challenges.

Our ego is supported by the instinct to perceive danger, to protect us and to keep us safe, and it is and is also terrified of change. Now is the time to get rid of the prison created by your mind and to use your brain as it has been designed for: to help you.


Here are 10 practices you will learn that allow you to shift your timeline

Karma Burning:

Every day we will dive deep to be free from conflicts and sensibilities passed down to us by our ancestors, from past lives and from traumas in this life. Karma Burning is one of the most powerful methods to release past trauma and trapped emotions in our body.


Joy developed her own breath techniques which help her deal with challenges and stress in a graceful way.

Quantum Self-Hypnosis:

Experience how to relax deeply and travel towards a future where you feel safe, healthy, happy and you live your life with ease.

Quantum Time Leap:

Learn to download new ideas, resources and energy from another timeline.

Guided Channelling:

Joy and Roy will connect with Beings of Light and Masters from other dimension to channelling messages and resources which will be useful for everyone and helpful for you to find the right answer to your questions.

Higher Self Meditation:

Discover new ways to meditate deeply and get information from your higher self.

Emotional Balance:

The ego is afraid of rejection and too afraid of Love. It is even afraid of too much joy and happiness because it is connected to a concept of lacking. Break free from anything that holds you back instead.

Cutting Karmic Links:

We can cling onto emotions, people or past events in life. When we aren’t able to close the chapters of our life fully and appropriately, we continue to be deeply affected or touched by past suffering. You shall learn to cut these ties and create from love.


Joy is an expert in helping people to connect with The Sacred Angel Realm, bringing you support and messages to fill your world with helpful signals from the Angels.

Love and Connection:

Being able to connect to the dimension of magic in this universe and bringing the support of your power animals and other Beings of magic to enjoy the most playful aspects of the event.

Time will fly by as we’ll enjoy surfing the Quantum Multiverse!

The question you have to ask yourself is this: “Why is it so easy to invest into my wellbeing and happiness?  Because you can’t help others if you don’t help yourself. Right?”

Going beyond sabotage

Here’s what your subconscious might say to stop you from saying:

1. Four days are too long

Creating lasting change and integrating this change into your body takes a bit of time. Joy and Roy take their work seriously and know, thanks to decades of experience helping people in their transformation, we need to feel safe and to train our whole system to relax deeply, to enjoy this growth journey we are exploring. Learners say that spending 4 day with Joy and Roy is more vivifying and refreshing than a one-week-holiday. This is the opportunity of a lifetime. Who knows when a life-changing event like this will happen again?

2. It’s far away.

That's funny. The workshops carried out by Joy and Roy welcome people coming from distant countries as far away as Asia, United States, South America and even Australia. Streaming is not provided this time, because this is an experiential workshop. Being there in person it is the only way to participate.

3. It’s too expensive

We do understand that this could be a big investment to some people. And we know that investing into yourself always brings the best return on investment. In fact you are the only one able to change yourself and help yourself. Sometimes we just need to understand how to do it and do it together.

4. It’s your birthday

Great! We will sing all together for you and we will channel a special message for you. This could be your best birthday gift ever!

5. You’re getting married one of these days

So we congratulate you and invite you enjoying part of your honeymoon with us. Research shows that couples that learn and play together stay together.

We’re looking forward to enjoying
this unforgettable experience with you!

Joy e Roy Martina

Joy Martina PhD

She is specialized in psychic psychology and is able to see beyond the three-dimensional reality and beyond the person. This helps her to clear the deepest mental patterns hidden beyond what can be observed by the mind. Her specialty is channeling pure healing vibrations within the work group to clear the invisible energetic ties that bind participants to the past. She also enjoys dispelling negative energies that can hinder our light and life force.

Her presence creates a healing space that allows the soul, mind and body to be released at the highest levels, retracing previous lives, ancient ancestral lines and sometimes even the path of the soul.

Joy Martina

Roy Martina MD

Roy Martina

He is one of the first holistic physicians to create new approaches to counteract the unconscious sabotage that people enact. He has conducted four decades of research and continues to develop new methodologies to help people more and more effectively. He has trained and helped hundreds of thousands of people around the world, including sports champions and Hollywood celebrities. His research is constantly evolving to become more and more effective in resolving inner imbalances, reducing stress, finding true purpose in life and fulfilling it in a balanced and happy way.

Dr. Roy is a world-renowned speaker, has trained thousands of therapists, doctors, managers and holistic practitioners, and has conducted courses all over the world: in Europe, South and North America, Mexico, Russia, Taiwan and the Caribbean. He has helped hundreds of thousands of people around the world. Thanks to this live course he can now help you too!

Joy e Roy Martina appeared in the main national and international media


and collaborated with

Collaborazioni con Joy e Roy Martina


The workshop is carried out in English. You will be able to follow the workshop in English or with simultaneous translation into Italian. You will be provided with headphones and translation equipment. You can bring and use your headphones if you wish.

The admission ticket includes:

>Entrance to the hall with your name.

> Simultaneous translation into Italian.

> Complete registration, both video and audio, of the whole course in English and with the translation in Italian. This registration will be forever yours and with unlimited access. Every participant will receive an access link, complete with all audio and video, no more than 30 days after finishing the course.

> Printed certificate personalised with your first and last name.

Accommodation and meals are not included

You can buy the live course at this special price until May 2, 2023. From May 3, 2023, this offer will no longer be available.
The faster you register, the greater your savings.

Yes, you will. When you finish your course on Sunday, May 7, 2023, you will receive a personalized printed certificate with your full name. If you would like to have another name written on your certificate, please let us know very soon by email at the following address:

You require the confirmation email to enter the hall. You can display it on your cellphone or you can print it out and bring it with you. You will receive an access badge for free entrance into the hall. You must only register at the outset of the workshop. The seats in the hall are reserved, your seat number will be communicated to you at the time of registration, so you can arrive with ease few minutes before the course starts.

You can refer to My Life, the exclusive Italian editor of Joy and Roy Martina. Call +39 0541 341 038 or send an email to on Monday to Thursday from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Italian language participants could stay in touch through Facebook in the dedicated Italian language group Joy e Roy Martina Italia >


This live course contains the teachings and ideas of the authors related to the topic illustrated in the course. With the live course neither the authors nor the publisher intend to dispense medical advice as a form of treatment of physical and psychological problems. The intent of the authors and the publisher is to offer general information to support you in the search for physical, emotional and spiritual well-being; in no way should the live course be intended as a substitute for medical diagnosis and treatment. In case of potential and/or ascertained physical ailments, please consult your doctor before using the information contained in the live course. The authors and the publisher disclaim any liability arising from the application you intend to make of the material proposed in the live course for yourself or third parties.

All rights reserved.

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